Hire Remote Associates
for One-Off Projects

Connect with thousands of freelance attorneys across all practice areas and types of work. You define the work and set the price for your short term fixed scope legal engagement.
Hire remote associates on project basis


On-Demand Hiring Solution

HA Project Screenshot

Get Quality Applicants
in Minutes

Our freelance lawyers are the secret weapon you need to get more work done. You get the benefit of world-class expertise, within your budget, to have your Project completed quickly by one of our talented lawyers.

Talk to our Experts Today!

How it works

Post a Project

  • Get the help you need across all practice areas

  • Upload any document pertaining to the work you need done

  • No long-term commitment

Review & Select Talent

  • Discover new talent on our platform

  • Review remote associate profiles and select the one(s) you want to work with

  • Agree on terms of engagement

Work and Payment

  • Pay the agreed upon flat fee

  • Payment goes into escrow until the work is completed

  • Review and accept work completed

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Benefits of the Project Opportunity

Get the exact help you need.

Perfect for quick turn around engagements.

Build professional relationships with talented lawyers.

No long-term commitments.

Quickly and easily get started.

Eric Ratinoff Headshot

“I started using LAWCLERK a little over a year ago for project-based work. More recently I needed several lawyers to assist on a mass tort case, over a period of several months.  The lawyers had to gather and evaluate information for plaintiff fact sheets and coordinate documents in support of each of the plaintiffs’ claims. LAWCLERK stepped up in a huge way, vetted a team of lawyers to work with us, and it has been a seamless process.”

Eric Ratinoff,

CA Attorney

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How My Firm Uses LAWCLERK to Grow Our Profits

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